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ISA Student Support

ISA Student Support

Student Support is an integral part of the ISA Liwan community, reflectingour commitment to a student-centred approach. We prioritise the happinessand well-being of our students. Through a variety of systems andinitiatives, such as boarding services, communication between parents andthe school, student management, mentorship programmes, and the house system,we foster a positive and inclusive school community and culture. Ourobjective is to cultivate an educational environment that nurtures eachindividual student. We have unwavering trust in their potential and arecommitted to empowering them to explore and navigate their own educationalpath in pursuit of their life goals.


International Boarding Community

The boarding life of ISA Liwan is not a hostel that provides students withbathrooms and beds, but a place where students continue their classes, ahome away from home, and a platform for them to experience and grow. What weprovide is a colorful and well-considered boarding programme.

Our boarding programme includes evening study, ECA, free time, sports andrelaxation periods, and activities with different themes. We are committedto providing boarders with more course content and activities for them tochoose from, hoping that students will have a more fulfilling andbetter-quality boarding life. Boarding programmes support boarders in fourmain areas:


Learning Support

Our Boarding programme provided language training and subjectcourses for students this year. Different courses were tailoredfor the different grade levels, such as comprehensive Englishimprovement classes, TOEFL training courses, IELTS trainingcourses, and IELTS intensive classes, all of which were taughtin small class size. In addition, subject teachers for thedifferent subjects were assigned to provide academic supportduring evening self-study and helped clarify any queries for ourboarding students.


Enrichment Programme

ECA courses during the boarding period are a continuation of CCAcourses and a platform for students to develop their interestsinto areas of expertise. In this academic year, we formed abasketball school team, volleyball school team, football schoolteam, swimming training team, dance club, English debate team, andother advanced-level courses. Our established school teams havemanaged to thrive through the systematic training of professionalcoaches and the practical exercise of various competitions.


Thematic Activities

While supporting students in their studies, it is alsoimportant for them to have proper relaxation. We welcomed aseries of themed parties, including the House Party, the MovieParty, the Fruit Party, the International Children’s DayParty, the Night Party, the ISA traditional event -“Head ofSchool Dinner”and also the highlight of the year – the AnnualDinner Party and the Boarding Awards Ceremony and the HighSchool Prom. Through activities with different themes,boarders can have a more exciting and interesting boardinglife giving them more opportunities to socialize with theirhousemates and create good memories together.


Mental Health Care

At the boarding department, our students’ physical and mentalhealth is our unwavering commitment. In addition to a series ofpreventive, intervention, and treatment measures and services forall students during the day, our school’s Wellbeing Center alsoprovides various group activities, group or individualcounselling, and other measures. These are tailored to differentgroups of boarders, including primary school students with weaksocial awareness, middle school students entering adolescence, andhigh school students preparing for major exams. In fact, It isworth mentioning that all our boarding teachers are required toobtain a mental health education certificate to allow them tobetter understand our boarders’ emotional and psychological needs.

We hope to achieve high standards in the richness of boarding courses,the experience of boarders and help students’ development, andestablish the best”home”together!

House System

With a higher ratio of “adult caring for children”, House system providespersonalised care and helps to establish closer connections with students,thereby better meeting their social and emotional needs, offering variousprogrammes such as competitions, seminars, and social activities tostudents on a house basis. House system enhances friendships amongstudents, fostering healthy competitive relationships, establishing closebonds between teachers and students, and fostering a sense of belongingand collective identity among students.


Academic Support

We recognize that each student is unique and has individual needs. ISAadheres to the concept of “student-centred” education and helps studentswith different abilities find their own pace and way of learning. We haveopened the Learning Support Center to create such a positive environmentand curriculum, leading students to better themselves, and helping them tosucceed in our learning program and thrive in our community.

Fully integrate into the teaching department, cooperate with thehumanistic and mental care department, connect closely with thepsychological department, and deeply communicate with the college entranceguidance department. The three-dimensional structure, from the futureplanning to the immediate goal, starts from the heart, drive andawareness, becoming the people of the world in their own eyes.


Psychological Counselling

ISA International Education Group has established the Student SupportCentre, which will provide students with learning support andpsychological counselling.

Experienced psychological experts and teachers provide staff and studentswith psychological counselling services including lectures and grouprecreational activities, creating a closer relationship between teachersand students, and supporting the overall healthy growth of the students.


Sports and Health

In ISA Liwan, physical education is the practice of lifelong learning andwhole-person education.

Our experienced physical education teachers provide students with anadequate and extensive physical education curriculum and conduct bothprocess and outcome assessment. We will not only provide exercise lessonsfor students, but also teach them about the benefits of regular exercise andhealthy food choices, as well as the risks of inactivity and poor diet.

Sport is an inclusive programme that allows students to learn and improvetheir sports skills in an interactive and competitive environment throughfun and learning. At the same time, sports also help students develop socialskills. For example, team sports help them learn to respect others andcontribute to team goals.

Through physical education, students will develop their physical fitness,self-confidence and social skills, and prepare themselves physically andmentally for the future.


Charity Events

Students are encouraged to integrate what they learn in the school with thedevelopment needs of the community by participating in projects oractivities that aim to help others and develop a sense of responsibility andcare for the community.

ISA combines curriculums with the charity programmes, such as OutreachProgram for Adolescent Empowerment, Visiting children with hearing-impaired,Charity Booth in the ISA Festival etc. Students have the opportunity to leadand organize charity events and improve their leadership, problem-solvingand teamwork skills.


Multi-dimension Home-School Communication

It is vital to build a close home-school partnerships that benefit students’learning, behaviour and ability to focus. The aim is to create a joyful,caring and supportive learning community by working closely with parents andthe wider community.
